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Evelyn Dumas
Author, Poet & Inspirationalist

Jesus Loves You!
Evelyn Dumas-Chavez is the founder of Dumas Divine Motivations & Inspirations Prayer Ministry and she is an author, poet, and inspirationalist. She is an intercessor who prays and posts prayers and scriptures to her web pages daily. It is her hope that many lives are touched and transformed. She believes: To live is to forgive, so you can be forgiven. In forgiveness, there is new life and strength to persevere to press on to the mark of your high calling. Always following your heart as you work at a profession that gives you joy. Being joyful is an absolute healing balm for your soul and for all those souls you touch each day. Be true to yourself and everything else will surely follow.

Evelyn Dumas-Chavez
Talent & Distinction
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