Abiding In The Presence Of The Lord
Abiding In The Presence Of The Lord Our Father, My God, I rise to this day prayerfully, with a repentant heart overflowing with...

Start Your Day With Prayer, Gratitude, And Praise
Start Your Day With Prayer, Gratitude, And Praise Our Father, My God, I rise to this new day prayerfully, with a repentant heart...

Blessings And Protection Will Remain In Your Life
Blessings And Protection Will Remain In Your Life Our Father, My God, I rise to this new day with a repentant heart overflowing with...

God Commands His Angels To Protect us
God Commands His Angels To Protect us Our Father, My God, I am thankful that You guard me, guide me, and protect me, my family, my loved...

God Is The Only Wise, Trustworthy, And Just God
God Is The Only Wise, Trustworthy, And Just God Our Father, My God, I give You all my praise, glory, honor, and gratitude, and I magnify...

The God Who Answers Prayers, My Victory
The God Who Answers Prayers, My Victory Our Father, I thank You and I praise and honor You forever, my Jehovah Nissi, my King, my Refuge,...

Be Thankful, Thankful For All That Is given To Us
Be Thankful, Thankful For All That Is given To Us Our Father, I thank You and I praise and honor You forever, my God, my King, my Refuge,...

Children Of God Overcome The World
Children Of God Overcomes The World Our Father, The Eternal God, The Alpha, and Omega, I humbly come into our Sacred Place with the acute...

God’s Love Is Relevant
God’s Love Is Relevant Our Father, The Eternal God, the Alpha and Omega…who is, who was, who is to come and will always be, I come into...

The Love Of God Provides Everything You Need
The Love Of God Provides Everything You Need Our Father, The Eternal God, the Alpha and Omega…who is, who was, who is to come and will...