Your Jericho Wall Will Fall
Abba Father, My First Desire and Hope, My God In Whom I Trust, I am thankful that Your Spirit always leads and guides me to the Sacred...

Be Tenacious, Keep Moving Forward Under Grace
Abba Father, My First Desire and Hope, My God In Whom I Trust, it is me again coming to You to spend intimate time and bask in Your...

Patiently Waiting For God’s Timing
Abba Father, My First Desire and Hope, My God and Lord Who Is With Me Through My Waiting, I am here, patiently waiting with absolute...

God Is A Merciful God
Merciful Father Abba Father, My God Who Provides And Protects, My First Desire Who is Most-Merciful and Gracious, I rise to this day with...

The Lord Gives Us Strength, Knowledge, And Happiness
Abba Father, My God Who Provides And Protects, My First Desire Who is Holy and Just, I rise to this day with gratitude and praise to...

​Honesty And Integrity Matters
Abba Father, My God Who Forgives, My First Desire Who is Holy, I rise to this day with gratitude and praise to spend intimate time with...

Unshakable Faith In God
Abba Father, My God Who Forgives, My First Desire, I rise to this day with gratitude and praise to spend intimate time with You before I...

No Room Or Time For Bitterness And Hatred
Abba Father, My God Who Forgives, My First Desire, I rise to this day with gratitude and praise to spend intimate time with You before I...

If The Lord Wills, We Live
Abba Father, My God Who Gives Life, My First Desire, I am here in the place where we meet constantly to seek Your will for me today....

God Will Always Prepare The Way For Us
Abba Father, The Lord of Hosts, My God Who Is Sovereign, My First Desire, my heart and flesh cry out to You from the depths of my soul...