​God’s Wisdom Revealed by the Spirit
Our Father, I am here once again in our Sacred Place with a repentant heart, prayerfully waiting to hear from You through the Holy Spirit...

The Hand Of God Will Protect Us
​ Our Father, My Redeemer, The Lord of Host, My Healer, and My Sole Provider, I rise to this day with gratitude and praise for You for...

Every Evil Plan Will Turn Out For Your Good
Our Father, My Deliverer, The Lord Who Saves, Jehovah Rohi, I meet You in our Secret Place with a humbled heart overflowing with...

We Should Not Fight Our Battles Like The World
Our Father, The Lord Who Strikes, The Only One Who Is Mighty in Battle, And Is Strong and Mighty, I rise to this day with gratitude,...

​Look To Jesus Christ For All Your Needs All The Time
Our Father, My Lord And Savior Jesus Christ, My Redeemer and my God who lives forever, I rise to this day with a surrendered heart and...

Love Without Judgment
Our Father, Jehovah-Tsidkenu Our Righteousness, I rise to this day with gratitude, praise, humility, and full of joyful hope knowing that...

​Absolute Belief In God, His Son, and The Holy Spirit
Our Father, Jehovah-Adon Kol Ha’arets, The Lord over All the Earth, I rise to this day with a repentant heart overflowing with gratitude...

Lord, You Deliver And Save Us
Our Father, The Mighty God, The Lord Who Saves, I rise to this day to thank, praise and worship You with all my heart and soul. I am...

Life Is Physical And Spiritual Warfare
Our Father, The Mighty God, The King of Nations, King of Saints, King of kings, and King over All the Earth and The Universe. I rise to...

Divine Joy Is Built Upon My Rock, Jehovah-Sel’i
Our Father, Jehovah-Sel’i, The LORD is my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and my...