Persistence And Resilience In Prayer
Abba Father, My Sovereign God, Jehovah Jireh, My Sole Provider whom I worship in spirit and in truth; I am thankful for the divine...

Confident Trust In God
Abba Father, My God, The God of my Ancestors, and Ancient of Days, to You, I give thanks, and praise, because You have given me the...

The Lord Will Not Fail Or Disappoint You
Abba Father, My God, The Lord of Our Righteousness who is always just, I rise to this day with the awareness that You will not ever fail...

Hatred Is the Dangerous Opposition To Love
Our Father, My God, I am here in our Sacred Place once again with a repentant heart, bringing to You my concerns about the state of the...

Being Set Apart For God’s Glory
Abba Father, My God who Sanctifies, The Lord of Our Righteousness who knows all about me and all humanity. O Lord, My Savior, You are my...

God Of All Grace, Protection, And Provision
Abba Father, My God, most Gracious and Compassionate, whom I look to with expectancy, gratitude, humility, and praise; I rise to this day...

Safety In The Secret Place Of The Most High
Abba Father, My God, The Lord Most High, You are my hiding place, my safe haven, my sanctuary, my dwelling place of hope and peace where...

God Our Lord And King, The Most Merciful
Abba Father, My God, The Lord Over All The Earth and Universe and Heaven; I rise to this day with the intense awareness that You are our...

God Is Our Only Hope
Abba Father, My God, The Lord of Our Hope, I rise to this day with the acute awareness that You alone are our only hope in all things....

Let There Be Love And Unity In The Family
Abba Father, My God, I rise to this day with gratitude and praise with a repentant heart overflowing with love and compassion, knowing...