Persistence And Resilience In Prayer

Abba Father, My Sovereign God, Jehovah Jireh, My Sole Provider whom I worship in spirit and in truth; I am thankful for the divine provision and the chance to begin again abiding in You. I ask You, O Lord, please strengthen me so I am always persistent and resilient in prayer. Father, I am aware that life involves many disappointments, losses, sicknesses, inequalities of many kinds, and persecutions, but I choose to enter into my prayer closet to ask You for more determination, mercy, strength, and wisdom to overcome every challenge and hardship without ever losing hope. Father, I believe You hear me before I ever seek You, yet I choose to pray, pray, and pray some more until You answer me under grace with no sorrow added to it. My first desire is to do the things You created me to do with integrity, compassion, and love; so, my living is not in vain. Please let me use the gifts You have given me to bless and serve You and others according to Your will for Your glory and my enlightenment and the enlightenment of those whose lives I touch. Father, I am thankful that Your Spirit helps us in our weaknesses. Especially when we don’t know what You want us to pray for. That is when I ask You, O Lord God, let Your Spirit intercede and pray for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. I am confident that You know all hearts and You alone know what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for those who are believers and are in harmony with Your will. Your Word assures me that You cause everything to work together for the good of those who love You and are called according to Your purpose for them. Lord, I trust You and every promise that You and Jesus ever made, so, I wait on You prayerfully to keep Your Word. Father, I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, let me always be prayerful and never forget to put on the whole armor daily. Then let my will and desires be in synchronicity with Your plan and harmony for my life and the lives of those whom I touch and the ones whose lives touch mine under grace, for our good and the good of humanity and the earth. Hallelujah! Amen, and so it is.
Luke 21:34-36 NLT: “Watch out! Don’t let your hearts be dulled by carousing and drunkenness, and by the worries of this life. Don’t let that day catch you unaware, like a trap. For that day will come upon everyone living on the earth. Keep alert at all times. And pray that you might be strong enough to escape these coming horrors and stand before the Son of Man.” Ephesians 6:18 NLT: Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.
1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 NLT: Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
Grand Rising, Good Morning Everyone! Please Remember, “Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually and prayerfully through His holy word!" Never forget the Lord satisfies the longing soul and the hungry soul He fills with good things. It has been said we pray not for God to hear us, but for us to hear Him. Be still and listen to the still small voice, the voice some call intuition. Then, stand in faith that God will answer your prayer. Treasure each moment you live. Always Be Prayerful In All Things! Abundant blessings!
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