Coming Together Again
We as a people seem to have a difficult time communicating and agreeing with each on anything starting in our homes; on our jobs,...

Lord, I Come To You!
Each morning I rise, I kneel for a while, then I sit down to spend time with the Lord. There is no other way to start the day. I know I...

Prayer, Praise, And Gratitude To God!
Before I go through the day, I take a little time to pray, praise and thank God for all that is given to me by grace starting with the...

Turning To God
We are living in times when some people have seemingly forgotten our Creator, who is our Source and Redeemer. We look to men for...

Alone, But Never Alone
We are living in a world where people are dying for like of kindness, caring, meaningful conversations, and love. People are like...

Lord, You Know And Care For Me
There are times when it seems God is silent; you keep praying and going to God with all your burdens that seem so unbearable. You wonder,...

Hope For Restoration
The world at large is in dire need of a makeover…restoration. So many people are looking to man to fix and change things that can only be...

Wisdom With Freedom to Choose
To all who are free to choose where and how they live, consider it a blessing to choose how you live your life. We must be good stewards...

Striving To Live In Unity
It is amazing how so many in the world claim they desire peace and unity, yet the focus has become diversity,tolerance, and pluralism...

God’s Mercy Is Great
In my quest for an extreme makeover for my soul, I ventured deep within as I search the word of God for clarification and confirmation of...