Hope For Peace And Harmony

As I sit looking out over the peaceful shores of the Atlantic Ocean, I think about how soothing the sounds of the water and the morning breeze makes me feel at peace with all that is this moment in time. As I look over the horizon, bolding all it's beauty and wonder, I forget about all the chaos and the struggles for power and wealth in our world and how they seem to escalate more every day. Then, I reflect on God’s promise to turn weapons of war into productive tools and His people will live in total peace. O’ what a glorious day that will be! But, until then, I have asked God, let us live mindfully, and in harmony with one another. Just as God loves those who seem unlovable, I ask that I do the same and you can too. Love more, judge less and hatred will cease. Let God judge all humanity…There is no escape, we are destined to stand before the Judgment Seat. Live well, be at peace with Humanity.
Hebrews 12:14 (NLT) Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord.