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Abundant Blessings and Pardoning!

We are blest God is all merciful, kind, loving, and forgiving. God hears and answers our prayers and the ones we pray for others. As our sins bring us into bondage, God’s grace is renewed each morning and our sins are forgiven when we ask for forgiveness and repent. Not only does God forgive us, but he takes away the guilt and the shame that we feel. He breaks the strongholds that sin has over us. He also gives us strength and empower us to withstand the temptations that we come face to face with in daily living so sin does not have dominion over us. We can live free and forgiven knowing that God will remember our sins no more. Do not be discouraged, when man reminds you of your past and how you used to be especially when it is negative. In fact, be encouraged, knowing God is the Redeeming God who is loving and forgiving…You have been bought for a price no man can pay. We are blessed, great is God’s love and faithfulness toward us.

Isaiah 1:18-19 (NLT)

“Come now, let’s settle this,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool. If you will only obey me, you will have plenty to eat.

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