Believers Challenges and Suffering
There seems to be a constant inundation of terrible headlines in the news these days. We start our day with morning news and we end it with evening news! What a way to be troubled in mind, full of doubts and fear and without hope. It would be nice if someone reported some good news every now and then because good things do happen and there are good people in the world who do things that are newsworthy. Bad things have always happened and there is no denying it but reality reporting and murderous games have desensitized our children and stolen their innocence along with their ability to respect and value human life. It’s not that our children are not taught right from wrong at home or the ABC’s of Salvation; they are influenced by outside sources that appear to be more appealing. We are no strangers to troubles, suffering, challenges, sickness and atrocities but we have a Savior, Our Father, God himself who is loving, protecting, and our comforter who consoles us if we seek him. We may not understand why bad things happen to good people or why good people sometimes do bad things but God knows. I trust in the wisdom and goodness of God who is our hope, our refuge and our peace…there is no other way. Therefore, if the earthquakes and crumbles under my feet; I will still trust God, our saving grace.

Lamentations 3:22-24 (ESV)
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul; “therefore I will hope in him.”