Hoping, Believing, Waiting (Blog)
Plans, goals, and dreams are the elements for daily living and planning our future and seeking information. Instead of wishing or hoping for something to happen, as a believer I know without any doubt that my hope is solid, concrete evidence that is grounded in the word of God. I patiently wait with absolute confidence for what I do not and cannot see knowing God cannot lie. I am assured that God is for me and all who believe and trust in him; so, who can be against us or who can stand when God is on our side? Therefore, when storm clouds rise, trials and troubles come causing me to go through a dark night of the soul and fear flares up; I can stand on God’s word…his promises. I am revived and restored because of God’s love, his great mercy, and his faithfulness.

Isaiah 30:18 (NLT)
So, the Lord must wait for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion. For the Lord is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for his help.