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You Lift Me Up, Lord (Blog)

We all go through hard times that seem insurmountable, tribulations that disturb our peace, and we even become discouraged and fearful at times. These are the times we must encourage ourselves so we can have the victory over our circumstances as we keep our eyes on God. God will never forsake us or leave us alone as we go through dark days and sleepless nights. After all,we get our strength, peace, and courage when we go to God in prayer blessing him for the good times, the bad times when we think we are at an all time low. When we praise God, who is invincible all things fall into proper perspective. Complaining, grumbling, doubts, and fears cease. Our hearts are filled with joy and thanksgiving; we refuse to magnify the devil by succumbing to negative thoughts. We know that gratitude, worship, and praise is the language of faith. Magnify the Lord! Our God is awesome! Acknowledge his goodness, his power, his strength, his mercy, and greatness. Always remember, the joy of the Lord is our strength and his grace and mercy are renewed every morning! We must encourage ourselves in the Lord so we can retain our joy, our peace and overcome every enemy and obstacle in our daily living. There is no way to feel down when you lift up the name of the Lord with praise and gratitude.

Psalm 71:20-21 (NLT)

You have allowed me to suffer much hardship, but you will restore me to life again and lift me up from the depths of the earth. You will restore me to even greater honor and comfort me once again.

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