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Use Your Words Consciously (Blog)

I am aware that every word I speak about myself or others has significance. Our words are like paint on the brush of a painter creating a work of art on canvas. Words have power, and a person’s words can be: life-giving, encouraging, condemning, justifying,edifying, uplifting, exhorting, loving, destructive, or peaceful. As we all know, Jesus is the living Word of God; he gives us words of life and spirit. Words of wisdom are as refreshing as water from a bubbling brook. It is amazing how deadly the spoken word can be especially when it is used to belittle others. Sometimes great harm is done during a person’s formative years that may last a lifetime. Therefore, the saying, “Sticks, and Stones may break my bones but talk does not bother me”, is not always true. The wounds may heal but more times than not there are scars that are very deep and they never go away. We should use our words to empower and encourage others, especially children and those that are vulnerable. Never assassinate anyone with your tongue, speak life into dead situations and people. Remember the words that are left unspoken can be as deadly or beneficial as those we speak.

Proverbs 18:21 (NLT)

The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.

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