Deception Divides, Destroys, And Kills

Abba Father, My God, And My Hope, I am here again in a place of contemplation and expectancy, asking You in the name of Jesus Christ, for deliverance from our many adversaries who are against us because of their selfish aspirations rooted in greed, hate, and an insatiable thirst for power. LORD, as I think about the deceptive practices of those in power, how they deliberately divide people to the point that they incite riotous conduct in some people to the point that they are willing to kill; I ask for divine intervention in the name of Jesus Christ. I come to You confident that You always give justice to those who ask. Therefore, I bring all my concerns and complaints before you for just resolution with equity. It seems the wicked are so prosperous and happy, they seem to live at ease. Father, I trust You and I look to You and Your unfailing and unchanging word with hope and expectancy of deliverance from evil and evil-doers. Your word tells me not to worry about the wicked or envy those who have done all matters of evil and created systems of duality in their rules of law that favor a select few. Father, do they not know that You are real and so is every promise You have ever made? I trust every promise You have ever made believing You will do as You have said. I am reminded that they like grass, they will soon fade away, like spring flowers, they will soon wither. Father, I am thankful that I can depend on You to keep Your Word, my soul is at peace. You are my refuge and my shield, it does not matter what goes on in the world at large; no evil will come near my dwellings, so I will live safely in the land and prosper. I continue this journey through life, in the name of Jesus Christ, with hope and integrity, with the awareness that You are my Shepherd and my Sole Provider who is everything to me and You will provide and care for all those who look to You as their source. In this world where there is so much deception, disunity, destruction, and violence of every kind, I am thankful You are my God, my Lord, and my Savior, in whom I abide. Hallelujah! Amen!
Deuteronomy 32:3-4 NLT: I will proclaim the name of the LORD. Oh, praise the greatness of our God! He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he. Daniel 9:14-16 NLT: Therefore, the LORD has brought upon us the disaster he prepared. The LORD our God was right to do all of these things, for we did not obey him. “O Lord our God, you brought lasting honor to your name by rescuing your people from Egypt in a great display of power. But we have sinned and are full of wickedness. In view of all your faithful mercies, Lord, please turn your furious anger away from your city Jerusalem, your holy mountain. All the neighboring nations mock Jerusalem and your people because of our sins and the sins of our ancestors.
Grand Rising, Good Morning Everyone! Please Remember, “Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes. God will defend you; He will shield you, and provide for you. So, stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper, it only leads to harm. Do not buy into the big lies people tell you. God will deal with the liars. He promised the wicked will be destroyed, but those who trust in the LORD will possess the land.” He never said we would not be sick or suffer, or die, but He promised to be with us no matter where we are or what we are going through. Treasure each moment you live.” Have an Amazing life! Abundant blessings!
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