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Declare God’s Word And Promises Over Your Life

Declare God’s Word And Promises Over Your Life

Abba Father, God Our Savior And Redeemer who lives forever, I rise to this day feeling blessed to be here in the land of the living at this moment in time. I dare not say this day, because I do not know when You will call, and I must answer. Therefore, I am here with the awareness that my life and time are in Your hands. Father, what am I to do this day for Your glory? Whatever Your plan and purpose is for my life, let it be fulfilled; so, that my living is not in vain. There may be barriers along the Path of life that the enemy and his cohorts have put in place to hinder me, but I choose to encourage myself, never giving up or listening to Nay-Sayers or being influenced or hurt by those who walk away from me. I let go of negative people and thoughts, destructive habits, unwholesome speech, and areas of distraction and oppression. I choose to keep the faith by speaking the Word and Your Promises over every hindrance, every sickness, wall, and every situation and remembering that You promised to fight for me, and I will be at peace, as I walk in the fullness of my destiny. Thank You, Father, for giving me the authority to annihilate every stronghold, tear down every fence or wall, and be healed and made whole through the Shed Blood of Jesus, and the power in the name of Jesus Christ. Father, I trust You to empower me to do whatever I put my hands to do. I do not know how, yet I trust You to equip me and guide me by Your Spirit to be victorious for Your glory and the good of humanity. I continue this pilgrimage through life in the name of Jesus Christ, with Your Spirit as my Guide, and Teacher knowing that nothing and no one has any power over me because the victory was won by Jesus on the cross and His Blood still Speaks. Thank You, Jesus! Hallelujah, Amen!


2 Corinthians 10:3-6 NIV: For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have the divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.


Grand Rising! Good Morning, Good Day to you on this blessed day. Remember, We  are never alone and whatever God and Jesus have promised, will be done.” So, command, walls to fall, wellness and wholeness, doubts to be annihilated, and sin to lose its grip and the devil to flee. You are immensely powerful, like our Father and Creator…Speak the Word and believe! Surrender and wait, never give up. Abundant blessings! Have an amazing day!

FYI: Prayer is free. So was the word of God until man transcribed it from the scrolls putting their twist on it, then it became for sale; this displeases God. We do know right from wrong whether we do it or not, God put it in our hearts before we were born. Please share with those who are open to receiving the word of our Lord and Savior, the way of salvation, and all of God’s blessings. The Word of the Lord…transcribed by the guidance of the Holy Spirit: Evelyn Dumas   Sunday, January 28, 2024.


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