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Discontent Is The Manifestation Of Pride

Abba Father, My God In Whom I Trust, I rise to this day to thank You for keeping me through the night and waking me up to begin again in You. Father, what am I to do today for Your glory? Where am I to go and what am I to say? Speak to me, Lord, Your servant and child is listening and willing to do the things You created me to do. Father, as I ponder the state of the world today, I am acutely aware that it is a place of perpetual discontent, a constant quest for power, rivalry, and the quest to do more, get more and be better. So many people are always angry, blaming others for one thing or another, they lack no self-control, they are frustrated and never satisfied, and they are covetous, always wanting what others have without walking a mile in their shoes and doing the work. Then there are those who can never get enough or be enough in their own minds. Do they not know they are enough, they can have their heart’s desires if they look to You as their Source, instead of trying to be like someone else or compete for power and wealth while they become dead spiritually? Please help us, save us from evil and evil-doers. Father, I ask You, in the name of Jesus Christ, search me, if You find any trace of pride, rebellion, and unbelief in me, please eradicate it at the root. Keep me from grumbling, being malcontent or following sinful desires or boasting, or showing favoritism to gain the advantage over others. Let me always be thankful for everything that is given to me under grace for my good and the good of those whose lives I touch. Father, please let the true likeness of Jesus Christ be formed in me now. Let me always remember that You give and You take away because You know what is best for me. I continue this journey called life in the name of Jesus Christ, knowing that in You, O Lord, I have all that I need. You are always with me; You are my first desire, You are the faithful Shepherd who cares and provides for me, You keep me safe, and all those who look to You are never made ashamed. I am at peace because my life and time are in Your hand. Hallelujah! Amen!

Proverbs 14:29-30 ESV: Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly. A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot. 1 Timothy 6:6-10 ESV: But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.

Grand Rising Everyone! Please Remember, Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues with injustice. A wise man once said, “There is nothing, no situation, no trouble or testing that can touch you unless it has gone past God and past Christ Jesus to you. In other words, nothing happens unless God allows it. If it comes upon you, it comes with great purpose, which you may not understand at the time.” Trust in God do not worry or become fearful. If He brings you to it, he will be with you through it all and You will be victorious, just like Job and all the other servants of God! Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning…be joyful, it is morning! Have an Amazing life! Abundant blessings!

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