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Do Not Speak Or Think Evil Of Anyone

Abba Father, My Lord, And Savior, You are the One and only God. You are the Supreme, and true God who super rules in a world that promotes many false doctrines, gods, and religions. I rise to this day to worship, honor, and praise You, with gratitude and the awareness that I can always rely on and trust You with all my heart and soul. I believe all power over nature, the world, humankind, and the heavens above and below the earth is in Your hands. Absolutely nothing and no one is hidden from You…You know each one of us and our intentions. You alone know where and when we lay down and when we rise. You also know our deepest and darkest secrets; Therefore, I ask You, Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, please search me, nothing about me is hidden from Your sight or is a mystery to You. Please cleanse me and make me whole. See if there is anything in me that creates hindrances in my walk with You, then, lead me along the Path of Righteousness in spirit and truth. Bridle my tongue, please keep me from speaking evil or judging anyone. I realize that the one who speaks against anyone or judges anyone is out of Your will, let me live in Your will. I am confident that You know every thought in my mind, so before I ever speak one word, I ask You in the name of Jesus Christ, forgive me, then let Your Spirit speak to me and fill me with the words I am to speak. Let me speak words that are encouraging, full of compassion, words that are healing, and truthful above all else. Let everything that I do and say be acceptable in Your sight and for Your glory. Let me never do anything to seek the approval or praise of humankind or to be boastful. In You, O Lord, I abide, so, let Your will be done in me and through me each moment I live. Father, I continue this journey called life, in the name of Jesus Christ desiring to please You. So, I ask You to lead me and guide me by Your Spirit along the Path of Life while Your plan is fulfilled in me and through me. Hallelujah! Amen!

Proverbs 15:26,24:17-18 ESV: The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the LORD, but gracious words are pure. Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles, lest the LORD see it and be displeased, and turn away his anger from him. Romans 12:20-21 ESV: To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing, you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Grand Rising Everyone! Good Morning! Please Remember, “Sinful thoughts are bad because you cannot do a bad thing without first thinking about it.” Let go and let God have His way. Give each one of your cares and concerns to the Lord who can and will fight for you and defeat all your adversaries in His own time and way. Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Think about that which is beautiful. Have an Amazing life! Abundant blessings!

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