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Fear And Worrying Is A Snare

Fear And Worrying Is A Snare

Our Father, My God, I rise to this day with gratitude, Joy, and praise, knowing I am Your child, and You will always care and provide for me, my family, my loved ones, and all those for whom I pray. Father, I trust You to care for us and provide us with Your best as Your Spirit guides us along the Path of Life, I realize without a shadow of a doubt that fear and worry are a snare and they rob us of our joy and peace if we do not listen to the Spirit of Truth and abide in You as we stand on Your promises. I refuse to give any place for the enemy to torment me in my mind. I realize the mind becomes the battleground on which he sows seeds of anxiety, doubts, fears, and worrying if I open the door of what if. I bring to You all my cares and concerns with the acute awareness that You are in control of our lives every moment we live and there is a time and season for everything under the sun. Therefore, I worry about nothing and pray about everything because You are my Father and You will never fail or forsake me no matter what this moment or the future may bring. I understand that we will go through some things, but Your Spirit will guide us into all truth, He will tell us whatever He hears from You So, I lean and depend on You, our Shepherd, who watches over us, comforts us, grants us peace, protects us, and shows us the Way of Righteousness. In You, O Lord, I continue my journey through life, in the name of Jesus Christ, with the Spirit of Truth as my guide and teacher. I am liberated from fear to confidence, from instability to security, from anxiety to everlasting joy that is authentic; always counting my blessings and learning for each trial and test. Father, I am thankful that You will preserve us; I refuse to be shaken and filled with doubts and fears because I am certain that the Blood of Jesus has already spoken for me and all those who look to You as their Sovereign Lord and Savior…our greatest treasure and only hope. I am thankful that I will always be able to hide in Your Arms; You are the Omnipotent God whom I love, serve, and worship in spirit, and in truth…there is no safer place. Hallelujah, Amen!

Psalm 16:9-11 NIV: Therefore, my heart is glad, and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay. You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Hebrews 2:14-15 NIV: Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death, that is, the devil, and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.

Grand Rising! Good Morning to you on this blessed day. Remember, “The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.” There are many dangers in fearing humankind. The trap that is set when we fear what others might say about us, or do to us, may cause one to go along with what is wrong, thinking they will be safe, only to find themselves being misused and sometimes destroyed while the person we followed goes free. We are tempted in so many different ways by fear, and specifically by the fear of humankind and what they threaten to do. Never forget that God rules over every aspect of our lives, not just in the grand scheme of things, but in every little detail. Abundant blessings, have an amazing day!

FYI: Prayer is free. So was the word of God until man transcribed it from the scrolls putting their own twist on it, then it became for sale; this displeases God. We do know right from wrong whether we do it or not, God put it in our hearts before we were born. Please share with those who are open to receiving the word of our Lord and Savior, the way of salvation, and all of God’s blessings. Wednesday, November 8, 2023.The Word of the Lord…transcribed by the guidance of the Holy Spirit: Evelyn Dumas



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