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God Is Sovereign Despite What Happens

Our Father, Jehovah Almighty, who reigns on earth, the heavens, and the outer edges of the universe, I bow in Your presence to thank and praise You for giving me one more day to do Your will. I am confident there is no other Sovereign God who can do all the things You do, be everywhere at the same time, know all and sees all, and can fix everything that is broken in us. You give, and You allow the enemy to take whatever You have given away to try our faith if You so choose; despite what goes on in our lives and the world, You alone are The Sovereign God. I am also certain that whatever or whoever You deliver, no man can bind because whenever You give with no trouble added to it is always and forever sustained and nothing and no one can take it away because Your gifts are sustained through the love and mercy of God to those who have been tried by fire. I am acutely aware that You rule over all, and You have everything under control. Many are the plans of the wicked, but it is Your will that will prevail, even though You allow them to boast about their greatness and do many evil things that we do not understand with our finite minds. Therefore, Lord, I ask You, in the matchless name of Jesus Christ, let Your will be done in me and through me this day and always. I am not my own, I realize I belong to You, so I ask while I live, let my will align with Your plan and purpose for my life, so my living is not in vain. Father, thank You for holding me close and never letting me go no matter what the day and night may bring, I am assured You were there before the challenges ever started and will see me through. I continue this journey called life in the name of Jesus Christ, with gratitude, humility, and praise for all that is given to me and all humanity: wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and counsel, coupled with fortitude, compassion, and the fear of the Lord that directs our will to You for the saving of our souls. I am thankful all that we have comes from You, our Creator and Sole Provider. I trust You with all my heart and soul! Hallelujah! Amen!

Proverbs 3:25-26 ESV: Do not be afraid of sudden terror or of the ruin of the wicked, when it comes, for the LORD will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught. Proverbs 11:25 AMP: The generous man is a source of blessing and shall be prosperous and enriched, and he who waters will himself be watered, reaping the generosity he has sown. Luke 8:17-18 AMP: For there is nothing hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come out into the open. So be careful how you listen; for whoever has a teachable heart, to him, more understanding will be given; and whoever does not have a longing for truth, even what he thinks he has will be taken away from him.” Grand Rising, Good Morning, Everyone! Please remember, “There are always blessings in every disappointment and every loss. God does give us much and sometimes He will remove the hedge from around us and we lose things and loved ones. Some people blame God and fall away from the faith they once professed before Satan came to test them. But those who keep believing that God is good, and He knows best will receive restoration of the things they have lost and be blessed with even more of everything, including stronger faith. Believe it, God always takes care of us by grace, even amidst the harshest times. Trust God to provide, protect your life, prosper you, and grant you peace! Amen! Web site: Email: © January 03, 2023, All Rights Reserved by Author: Evelyn Dumas



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