God Will Never Abandon Us

Abba Father, My First Desire and My Hope, and My God In Whom I Trust, I am thankful that You care for me and You will never leave me alone. I thank and praise You for divine Protection, Provision, and Peace. I am thankful that Your love and protection for me are everlasting. I praise You for the goodness and mercy You show me each moment I live. Father, I am thankful that You have redeemed me and called me by name, so, I ask You in the name of Jesus Christ, “let Your purpose be fulfilled in me each moment I live, so my living is not in vain. Let me walk the Path of Life holding Your hand as You show me the way I am to go, and You teach me how to do all the things You created me to do for the good of humanity and Your glory. I am comforted just knowing I can depend on You to be with me wherever I go, and no matter what I may go through, You will be right there with me. Therefore, I am unafraid because I know that You will go before me and prepare the way and no one will be able to stand against me, because I belong to You. I bring to You all the things that trouble my soul along with my heart’s desires. I trust You to sustain me and strengthen me as I stand on Your promise that I will not be shaken. So, I watch and wait in hope for better days, with confidence because You are my God, my Lord, and my Redeemer who always hears and answers me in Your time…You are never late. As I ponder the state of our world today, I can clearly see the results of trusting humankind to do the right thing for all people instead of a select group…please, help us, Lord. Father, please keep us safe, hide us in Your Sacred Place. I ask You in the name of Jesus Christ, do not turn us over to the desires of our adversaries, because false witnesses rise up against us as a people, spouting malicious accusations. They are constantly scheming, writing ruthless laws to support their deceptive practices, their madness, and wickedness. Do they not know whatever they do to people will return to their own house? I continue this journey called life, in the name of Jesus Christ, with the awareness that You have already prepared the way for us, even though the way may not be easy; I trust You to be with me and all who look to You as their Source, their Savior, Stronghold, and Refuge. Hallelujah! Amen!
Deuteronomy 31:8 ESV: It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Isaiah 41:17 ESV: When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue is parched with thirst, I the LORD will answer them; I the God of Israel will not forsake them. Hebrews 13:6 ESV: So, we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?”
Grand Rising Everyone! Please Remember, “Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD. God knows about your situation and every plot, plan, and scheme of the wicked ones.” He will not turn you over to the desire of your adversaries, no matter how they plan behind closed doors, or how they make malicious accusations. God will work it out for your good, even though it may not appear so at the time. Trust in The Lord anyway. No one can do anything to us unless God allows it. Have an Amazing life! Abundant blessings!
Web site: http://authordumaschavez.wixsite.com/inspire Email: authordumaschavez@gmail.com © March 02, 2023, All Rights Reserved by Author: Evelyn Dumas