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Healing And Peace Is In Forgiveness

Abba Father, Jehovah Shalom, The Lord of Peace, I am thankful that You have given us the power to silence the voice of Satan, the tormentor by abiding in You, standing on Your promises, and fighting our battles prayerfully on our knees. Therefore, I bring all my cares and concerns to You in the name of Jesus Christ, who died so that we are forgiven as we forgive. I am thankful that every sin debt that is owed has already been paid through the shedding of the Blood of Jesus; we are forgiven. I am thankful that You have given all humankind Your Word to stand on each moment we live. Therefore, we are privileged to live in the present moment liberated from the accuser who comes to steal our joy and peace and destroy families. Lord, I am acutely aware it is Satan who makes one think the world is against them by telling them they are forsaken. Satan plants bitter roots of unforgiveness and hatred in one’s heart. Then, makes them think they cannot cope while he constantly attacks them creating a battlefield in their minds. Father, thank You for Your Word that tells us Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace came into the world to bear the sins of the world. It is by His stripes that we are healed, and our sins are forgiven, and every stronghold of the mind…the lies Satan has established in our thinking that we count as true is eradicated and we no longer embrace old wounds, live in the past. I am thankful that through Your Word we let go, we find strength and comfort when we let You fight our battles, and heal our brokenness. I am thankful when we forgive others, we silence the voice of the enemy in our souls. I am thankful we will no longer hold onto the things that keep us looking backward, refusing to forgive those who hurt us or someone we love. Lord, thank You, for the Gift of Forgiveness; I forgive, I forgive, I forgive, everyone for everything, and I forgive myself because I too have fallen short of Your glory. Your Word tells me, he who is without sin, cast the first stone. I am thankful that You will forgive and free anyone who asks in the name of Jesus Christ. So, I ask You, Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, let me live in You, always forgiving as I have been forgiven…please, hold me close and have mercy on all who have fallen short of Your glory. Father, I ask You in the name of Jesus Christ, to empower us to stop arguing and being pretentious while we unknowingly set ourselves up against the knowledge of who You are by unknowingly aligning ourselves with Satan. Let us abide in You and take control of our thoughts so we are obedient to Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! Amen!

Matthew 6:15 NIV: But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. Luke 6:36 NIV: “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

Grand Rising Everyone! Remember, “God wants all of His Children to live victoriously and in freedom in their thought lives. Silence Satan, remind him of his destiny. Then think about the things of heaven, not the things of this world because worry and anxiety are not heavenly things. Whenever you are tempted to fall into the cycle of overthinking, direct your thoughts to God's ways and His Word. Always forgive so You have peace of mind, and your soul can prosper, and you will be in good health: spiritually, physically, and financially.” The joy of the Lord is your strength. Have a glorious, peaceful, victorious day in the Lord! Amen, believe it, and so it is!

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