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Humility, Forgiveness, And Love

Humility, Forgiveness, And Love

Our Father, O Lord God Almighty, Most-Charitable, My Refuge, and My Fortress, I thank and praise You for being so forgiving, gracious, and loving constantly. I ask You in the name of Jesus Christ, to let Your Spirit, guide me along the Path of Life with hope, integrity, and humility, always ready to forgive others without judgment or guilt-tripping anyone. Let me be encouraging to others without being so opinionated, self-righteous, or think more highly of myself than I ought to; we are all sinners seeking to be saved. We do better when we know better and are obedient to Your Will according to Your Word. I believe there is no one perfect who has walked or still walks the face of this earth but Your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank You for the gift of forgiveness and the hope of glory. Let me always be humble, forgiving, loving, and compassionate to others as I travel alone the way that leads me back to You. Empower me to be attentive and obedient as I listen to the Indwelling Spirit for directions, knowledge, and understanding of Your plan and purpose for my life. Father, I have asked You for many things that will perish, but You and Your Will are my first desire. As I look within and without, I am acutely aware that all the chaos in our world is rooted in a lack of love which causes one to sin against You, themselves, and others. Without love, there is no compassion, forgiveness, hope, redemption, peace, or transformation. So, I continue this journey through life, asking You, Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, please purify me and fill me with all that is necessary for me to abide in You, do Your Will, and spend eternity with You. Then, when my work and lessons on earth are done; so, my living is not in vain. Let me always forgive and love others as You forgive and love me. I ask this not just for myself, but for all those for whom I pray because my life is not just about me and my family. Hallelujah! Amen!

Ephesians 4:30-33 NLT: Do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, and forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

Grand Rising Everyone! Good Morning to you this Blessed Monday, time to start anew, it is another day to begin again under grace and being guided by the Holy Spirit. Oh, taste and see the Lord is more than good to us…always count Your blessing and be thankful for every lesson. Remember, "The Lord our God is loving, patient, merciful, and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him." If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.” Have an amazing day!

FYI: Prayer was free until man transcribed it from the scrolls putting their own twist on it, then it became for sale; this displeases God. We do know right from wrong whether we do it or not, God put it in our hearts before we were born. Please share with those who are open to receiving the word of our Lord and Savior, the way of salvation, and all of God’s blessings. Monday, September 18, 2023. The Word of the Lord…Evelyn Dumas



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