Pursue God Above Everything And Everyone

Abba Father, The Most-High God, My Lord and Savior, I am here in our Secret Place to seek Your face and to be empowered to overcome sin and to be filled with whatever You know is necessary for me to do Your will with compassion, generosity, and love. Father, I ask You in the name of Jesus Christ, search me, and remove anything that does not exult You. Please, work in me and through me for Your glory and exaltation because all glory, honor, and praise belong to You alone. I am here asking to let my intentions be godly, I need Your grace, your power and strength, Your counsel and directions…let me always be humble with a servant's heart. What am I to do this day, where am I to go, and what am I to say? I am Yours, do with me as You will. Let everything I do be for Your glory, not my own. Father, thank You, for being my Father who knows and gives me whatever is best for me as You comfort and guide me through Your Spirit. I am thankful I can come to You anytime, anywhere for all my cares and concerns for myself, my family, my friends, and all those for whom I pray…we need You right now. I am thankful, I can always trust Your wisdom, Your strength, Your plan, Your judgment, and every thought You have of me and how Your arms are always open for me to run into for comfort and refuge. I am here, Lord, seeking Your will and wisdom while I bask in Your relentless, enduring love. I can never repay You for all that You do for me and nor can I do enough to deserve, Your grace and mercy, Your compassion and love, and Your faithful pursuit…You never give up on me or anyone else. You constantly reach out Your hand, You knock at the door of our hearts, and You lovingly pursue us because it is not Your will that anyone should be lost. Father, I continue this journey called life going through some tumultuous times under grace. I am thankful that the many voices that tell us what to do and how to live are silenced as long as we keep You as our first priority. Thank You for divine direction and protection while I walk the Path of Life in Jesus Christ’s name. O Lord, help me be obedient. Hallelujah! Amen!
1 Chronicles 22:19 ESV: Now set your mind and heart to seek the LORD your God. Arise and build the sanctuary of the LORD God, so that the ark of the covenant of the LORD and the holy vessels of God may be brought into a house built for the name of the LORD.” Psalm 105:4ESV: Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually! James 4: 8 ESV: Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
Grand Rising Everyone! Please Remember, “If you are seeking God for answers in your life, He will answer You... Just listen and watch and wait. You may not get the answers you want or receive them in your timing, but he will answer, and things will always work out for Your good.” That is His promise to those who love and serve Him. Blaise Pascal said, “If God exists, not seeking God must be the gravest error imaginable. If one decides to sincerely seek God and doesn’t find God, the lost effort is negligible in comparison to what is at risk in not seeking God in the first place.” Seek Him with all Your heart and soul and the promise are you will find Him.
Web site: http://authordumaschavez.wixsite.com/inspire Email: authordumaschavez@gmail.com © January 10, 2023, All Rights Reserved by Author: Evelyn Dumas