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Trust God, Let Go Of Controlling Everything In Your Strength

Abba Father, My God in whom I trust with all my heart and soul; especially when I am perplexed by the wickedness in the world when it seems so many things, including justice are for sale. I rise to this day with the acute awareness that You are in control of everything and everyone. I believe You alone know how and why troubling situations are the way they are, how, when, and where it is all going to end. After everything is said and done, You promised to provide for us, to be with us always, and to fight for us so we can be silent…at peace. Father, I am thankful that Your Spirit shows me the way I am to walk and what I am to do as my steps are ordered whenever I ask in the name of Jesus Christ. Whenever I trust You wholeheartedly, then and only then, am I strengthened by You to let go of lingering doubts and fears. Therefore, I surrender every aspect of my life to You, over and over again until I feel relief from the things that trouble my soul. I am thankful that the precious Blood of Jesus makes me whole, and I am forgiven and empowered to let go and forgive myself and others in the same spirit and love that You have forgiven me. Father, I ask that Your Spirit lives in my heart through faith all the days of my life…be my compass and my guide. Please empower me to be strong and rooted in divine love. I also ask that You please fill me with whatever You know is necessary for me to do the things I am created to do for Your glory with more determination, patience, and love. Then, give me the power to grasp love’s width and length, height and depth, together with all believers as we continue this journey called life letting go of trying to control anything or anyone; fully trusting You. Father, I also ask You in the name of Jesus Christ, let us walk the Path of Life experiencing the fullness of the love of Christ that is beyond knowledge; so that we will be filled entirely with Your fullness. Let us always trust Your plan for our lives with the confidence that You know what is best for us during every season of our lives. Grant me the wisdom to bring every plan and goal to You first, then yield all that I cannot do or control to You. Let me be at peace always, trusting You to work things out for me as I continue this journey called life doing all that I do in the name of Jesus Christ through the guidance of the Holy Spirit always seeking Your will above my own desires. Hallelujah! Amen! Isaiah 43:18 NIV: Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. Jeremiah 29:11-14 NIV: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.” Grand Rising Everyone! Please Remember, “Move On And Let Go. Silence the voice of the enemy who tries to derail you and make you think you are unworthy.” God Loves You And Has A Wonderful Plan For Your Life! Trust in the Lord our God who is the Eternal Promise Keeper. Have an Amazing life! Abundant blessings! Web site: Email: © Monday, April 03, 2023, All Rights Reserved by Author: Evelyn Dumas


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