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Trust God To Make A Way For You

Trust God To Make A Way For You

Abba Father, My God, I am here once again at the Throne of Mercy, seeking Your face and Your Will as I continue to walk the Path of Life without doubts and fears according to Your Word. Father, I trust Your plan and purpose, Your love, Your faithfulness, and Your wisdom. I am assured that evil has no power over me because I belong to You and Your Spirit is my guide and teacher. In You, O Lord, I trust to be my refuge, my strength, my peace, my hope, and my way-maker. I am thankful that You close doors that no one can open and You open doors that no one can close because You are in control, you alone do that which is deemed impossible. Father, I trust You with every aspect of my life. Whenever someone tells me no, I am certain You have something greater in store just for me. I know that this season of barrenness and drought will not last forever. I am thankful that even when I go through the valley and the shadows of death, You are with me when my days seem darker than the darkest nights. You alone are my Shepherd, You will provide all I need and desire, and You will protect me from dangers seen and unseen because nothing is hidden from You. I am thankful that You are faithful, loving, and the benevolent source of the deepest consolation in the fallen, ominous world in which we live. Your grace, Your goodness, and Your mercy mean I have nothing to fear because I am never alone, You are with me. In this world where there is so much greed, hatred, sickness, sorrow, and suffering; a place where trial and difficulties seem overwhelming, I find comfort, strength, power, joy, and hope in Your presence. Therefore, I trust You, Almighty God, in the name of Jesus Christ to honor and execute Your Word. Thank You, Lord, for being the Promise Keeper who cannot lie. You will do whatever You promised. Hallelujah, amen!

Ezekiel 12:25 AMP: For I am the Lord; I will speak, and the word that I shall speak shall be performed (come to pass); it shall be no more delayed or prolonged, for in your days, O rebellious house, I will speak the word and will perform it, says the Lord God. Matthew 6:25 ESV: “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Luke 1:37 NIV: For no word from God will ever fail.”


Grand Rising! Good Morning, Good Day to you on this blessed day. Remember, “When God makes a promise, God always keeps it. The promises of God are sure, more sure than anything else in this world.” God, Himself, stands over and, watches over His Word, making sure it is fulfilled. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."  Abundant blessings! Have an amazing day! 

FYI: Prayer is free. So was the word of God until man transcribed it from the scrolls putting their twist on it, then it became for sale; this displeases God. We do know right from wrong whether we do it or not, God put it in our hearts before we were born. Please share with those who are open to receiving the word of our Lord and Savior, the way of salvation, and all of God’s blessings. The Word of the Lord…transcribed by the guidance of the Holy Spirit:  Evelyn Dumas   Tuesday, March 19, 2024.



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