Wait Patiently On The Lord

Abba Father, My God, My First Desire, And Lord of My Life, My Shepherd and Keeper of My Soul, I am here once again to thank and praise You for the chance to begin again in You while I wait for guidance. Father, I kneel before You with a repentant heart overflowing with love, gratitude, and praise because I am confident that You can grant me comfort, joy, and peace even during the chaotic times in which we live that are riddled with distractions, hatred, oppression, marginalizing, and stigmatizing, subtle forms of genocide, mass killings, social and economic injustice, and oppression, inside trading, storms, earthquakes, and the constant threats of war. Father, the world tells us anything, they will tell us to move forward in the name of progress, when You are calling us to wait on You. I am acutely aware that You are heard when and if we are still, even though the world is loud, and they are chaotically rushing along a road that leads to nowhere. It is during these times, I choose to find comfort and peace in knowing that I have no reason to fear because You promised to fight for me. I can be still with the absolute assurance that You are in control of everyone and everything and no weapon of warfare man has created is more powerful than You. You already know all of their strategic plans; nothing is a mystery to You. I know Your plans will succeed, we are never forsaken, You will shield, shelter, and provide for us…I trust You with all my heart and soul, especially when I do not understand. I am thankful that there are things You have made known to me and all those who look to You for guidance, protection, and provision that You will lead us through each moment we live if we listen and obey You when Your Spirit speaks to us. In You, Father, I am strengthened, I give no place to the devil and his cohorts. I know whenever we fret, we give the enemy and his cohorts the upper hand. I am thankful that I remember, the battle is not mine to fight, I can rest being certain You have not forgotten, and Your plan and justice will succeed…so, I wait even though the world tells me I must fight. Your word reminds me of Your call for us to surrender our circumstances to Your sovereignty, Your faithfulness, and your love for us and humanity. Father, I ask You, in the name of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, please, still my mind and emotions so I do not drown in the sea of cares and fears. I ask this, not just for myself, and my family, but for all those for whom I pray without ceasing. Hallelujah! Amen!
Psalm 46 10-11; 107: 29-31 NLT: “Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” The LORD of Heaven’s Armies is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress. He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves. What a blessing was that stillness as he brought them safely into the harbor! Let them praise the LORD for his great love and for the wonderful things he has done for them.
Grand Rising Everyone! Please Remember, “Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him.” The word of God reminds us that evil will eventually be destroyed and we're to “be still” and wait for His justice. Therefore, I say to those who are troubled or feel abandoned, Be still and know God will never forsake you or leave you alone. Whenever the Lord says peace, there will be peace. Consider, the call to be still is a call to be silent and examine our own hearts before God.
Be truthful, we cannot deceive God because He knows everything about us. Abundant blessings! Have an amazing day!
Web site: http://authordumaschavez.wixsite.com/inspire Email: authordumaschavez@gmail.com © February 08, 2023, All Rights Reserved by Author: Evelyn Dumas