Going Through Affliction (Blog)
I am acutely aware God is Sovereign, all power is in his hands; he alone is in control of the duration and intensity of our afflictions....

A Thankful Heart (Blog)
Often times we wonder what can we offer God who created everything and lacks nothing. Well, God desires thankfulness from our hearts,...

Suffering In Silence
Trials, troubles, and tragedies come to all mankind at some point in time. No one is exempt from suffering, sorrow, sickness, and...

Stepping Stone Or Stumbling Block
Being a stumbling block entails a violation of another person by influencing them in a negative manner, condoning something wrong by...

God Provides Justification
We are blest and favored, God presented his only Son for the atonement of our sins. We have been exonerated, through faith in the...

Seasons of Suffering And Rebirth
No one is exempt from suffering, in fact, there is a time and season of suffering. We all must go through something in order to grow...

Feeling Alone While Suffering And Sad
You can be assured, no one is exempt from suffering and sadness; saint or sinner, saved or unsaved, rich or poor, young or old. There is...

Father, You Keep Proving Yourself
There are numerous assurances and confirmations that God will take care of us in His word. God knows what we need and everything we...

Prayer For All Leaders
Let us take time to pray for all leaders including the heads of our homes first, then all others follow. Let us pray that the Spirit of...

God, Our Creator, Our Savior
We are living in times when there seem to be a constant struggle for power and greatness. Generations come and go and the struggle...